Oh how I miss NYC’s $1 pizza slices

by babysheckles


  1. Buying_wis

    As a New Yorker we would never go here unless drunk. Loving downtown, Joes always delivered late enough for me. Nothin like the 2 or 3am pie from Joe’s 😈

  2. Connie_Astro

    That bird seems to be missing pizza as well 🐦

  3. Economy-Aide5523

    It looks delicious, I can’t imagine the daily quantity they sell to sell it at such a low price!

  4. Consistent_Spot7071

    Wait, aren’t there still dollar slice places? Did 2 Bros shut down or raise prices?

  5. Cooper323

    I’ll never forget the 2 Bros outside Port Authority on the corner of 40th and 9th, when I used to work up that way. Best dollar slices in town, they were huge.

    Not the best pizza in the city by far but for $2 you couldn’t beat it.

  6. Heartsmith447

    God I miss those slices, I need to get a good oven to make them at home

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