I was trying to open the vent and had my sleeve over my hand to try to do it quickly, didn’t realize how hot it was…. My hand slipped off the vent, out of my sleeve and two fingers hit the lid lol.

In the half a second my fingers were on the lid there was an audible sizzle and I had to peel my fingers off. It felt like when you remove an ice cube that got stuck to a wet finger, except painful and hot lol.

Can’t really feel the tip of the middle finger but that giant blister on the ring finger is wildly uncomfortable….

by BBQingMaster


  1. grick26


    Hope you’re OK and don’t need medical attention. Be sure to take care of those blisters.

    If I don’t have my mitt with me, I’ll use a set on tongs to adjust the vent on the lid.

  2. sonnyblack516

    It’s going to suck more when the pop.

  3. No-Lobster-5158

    Thats one way to burn your finger prints off lol

  4. tommy2tone222

    Just making an excuse to go rob a store, it was an accident I don’t have two fingerprints. Uh huh, we see your plan.

  5. KosmicTom

    A few years ago my hand slipped off the handle adjusting the bottom vent (it got jammed) and the back of my hand between the thumb and pointer seared on the bottom of the kettle. There’s still a little bit of a scar.

    I bought a small garden trowel with a wood handle. I use the shovel end to move coals around and to tap the top vent closed. I put the handle in the loop for the bottom vent to move that once the grill is lit. I’ve gotten a ton of use out of that thing and I haven’t burned my hands. (at least not using the trowel. I do plenty of other dumb shit sometimes)

  6. T-Bird19

    Accidentally picked up a brick around a fireplace that was super hot. My pointer finger looked like your bigger blister. It swelled up into an ET finger. When I finally took a needle to it, the pressure had built up so much that it shot the goo in a consistent stream 6/7ft away lol. It took forever to drain.

  7. LFCfanatic999

    Welders gloves for the win. That being said I finally got burned when the rim of the barbecue caught my forearm right past the glove cuff. Got sloppy!

  8. LateCartoon

    I think I still have a scar from when my forearm touched the Weber lid while making wings

  9. Onerustyrn

    I wouldn’t trust a grill or pit master that doesn’t have burns in various stages of healing to the arms and hands.

  10. Thunderdink

    Ouchie! Those finger tip burns are stingy! I burnt my thumb on a set of metal tongs that were holding some strips fat side down on bbq last week. Embarrassing how bad it hurt for like 3 hours after.

  11. redpanda8008

    I was dumb enough to touch the top of the kettle once to see if it’s hot enough. Burn wasn’t as bad as yours but it taught me a lesson to always use gloves.

  12. Agitated-Garbage9268

    So would you say your fingers medium to medium well?

  13. dadman101

    Brutal! Get some heat gloves, they’re like $15-$20 and very useful

  14. DellwoodDevil2

    Mmm bbq fingers. That’s some good eatin’! Pain builds character, and chicks dig scars.

  15. WestCoastGriller

    Jesus. I’ve done the no look kettle/Genesis Lid grab before.

    It’s a right of passage when you’re grilling 250+ days a year.

  16. DIJames6

    Happened to me a few weeks ago.. Recovery was not fun.. Especially since I’m left handed..

  17. zippytwd

    There ain’t a single person BBQs that hasn’t burned them selfs , it a ‘right of passage

  18. Firstly always have a BBQ towel in your belt for just such occasions, secondly aloe Vera the shit out of your fingers

  19. texas130ab

    You got em pretty good buddy . Hope you are ok .

  20. mul3sho3

    Been there, my friend. I have religiously worn welding cloves from that date forward. Granger.com. they make very affordable gloves now that fit well and allow for some dexterity. Speedy recovery and get back on that horse!

  21. Best-Ad4738

    Nice crust, how is the internal temp?

  22. thenoopq

    You gotta keep them on longer if you want the Maillard reaction to work. That red/orange crust is what you want. Keep at it!

  23. sheepheadslayer

    Lol, most here have probably done that. I cut a slit in the side of a wine cork and pressed that onto the vent. Works slick

  24. KBolt99

    I burn myself quite a lot, i sometimes have a few drinks while grilling lol. I currently have two minor burns on my wrist from my weber and my smoker.

    But nothing like this… bro this almost need medical attention. This is bad, that sucks dude. And on your fingertips too. I rarely touch my wrist, i use my fingertips every minute of every day. I hope this heals quickly

  25. Select-Link-6747

    I wouldn’t do that if I was yoouu..

    But seriously, ouch!

  26. jkwarch-moose

    Grill hot

    Don’t bust the blisters

  27. UberNerdism

    This is what happens when you don’t click the tongs

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