Aliens might be sending messages with my squash

by Great_Resolution6400


  1. Seems like a fungal or viral disease… could be that blight that infects cucurbitas, maybe

  2. showyourselfsomelove

    Looks like Watermelon Mosaic Virus. Neato

  3. CloneOfEeyore

    Sell it as designer squash… You will be rich!

  4. elite4jojo

    Reminds me of the Sheikah designs from Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

  5. Ritalynns

    Very cool looking. When you crack that open, if there is anything out of the ordinary inside, please post again.

  6. No-Artichoke-6939

    I don’t know what it is, but it’s hella cool looking!

  7. Hanuman_Jr

    I’m feeling oddly compelled to solve the maze on your squash.

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