I’m not always excited about spaghetti, but when I am, it’s baked spaghetti!

by Prometheus6R


  1. Brother_Lou

    That little bit of extra crunch and cheese make this a party.

  2. GrouchyPuppy

    Damn that looks like a higher level of spaghetti experience

  3. Yum! Although unlike you, I’m always excited about spaghetti

  4. Alternative-Jury-965

    Smoke some weed so you can have twice baked spaghetti. I imagine It would be quite a munchy dish.

  5. thatredheadedchef321

    OMG! I love baked spaghetti! Or “Spaghetti al Forna” if you wanna be fancy.

  6. katk1025

    My daughter hates spaghetti, but will eat it if I do baked spaghetti! Go figure. I eat both, but baked is probably my preference…but I cheese mine up extra – on top and mixed in!

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