Olive oil, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, and creole seasoning. Cooked for 50 minutes at 375-400 over charcoal and maple. Pulled once it hit 160 internal, basted with half a stick of butter and put it in the oven at 170 for 15 minutes to rest while I finished the sides. Nothing fancy, cheddar rice topped with cheese, and French style green beans with butter.

It did not leap off the grill onto my face. I was still nervous every time I opened the lid.

by OmniWizardTigerBlood


  1. hey_im_cool

    Looks awesome, and ngl I’d smash that rice with a Kraft single melted on top. But those beans are a crime

  2. lawyerjsd

    Well, now you’ll never cook chicken any other way.

  3. Large_slug_overlord

    For whole chickens I would pull at 155- they hold so much heat and will easily cook up to temp while resting. Keeps them xtra juicy

  4. Fake_Hip0369

    Spatchcock! It’s the way it’s done. Remove the wishbone prior, and if you have a good knife and steady hand, the ribs prior to the smoke. You’ll thank me or someone later! B

  5. dcma1984

    Once you go spatchcock you never go back.

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