Don’t sleep on this one.
Heat I give 8-9/10
Flavor I give 12/10

This has a well balanced heat to flavor mix. It’s a great add on to rice. I even put it in a Thai dish I made (fusion?) and it took it up another level. The taste are familiar Indian spices. Of course it would be a great addition to any Indian food you make to take it up a level in heat and flavor.

by Bad_Advice55


  1. Steve_Zissou8868

    This sub is trying to make me spend $20+ on a GD jar of stuff

  2. Potential-Egg-843


  3. ConorOdin

    I like heat but just found this to be a bit much haha. Its rather full on. Certainly something where you need very little of this for a lot of food.

  4. 31374143

    Why are there always so many comments complaining about anything being more expensive than Texas Pete?

  5. Where’d you find it? My local Indian market doesn’t sell it

  6. Shujolnyc

    Yeah naga morich is fucking insane. I have many that are HOT and then you get one that is PURE DEATH!

    I love them!

    Mr. Naga is great stuff!

  7. Yeah, this stuff is absolutely incredible. It is pretty damn spicy but the flavor is so rich and complex. I love it. It’s not cheap but it’s honestly worth the money.

  8. hoopopotamus

    Can’t get it here apparently 🙁

    I super want it though

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