It was too tall and it became a mess eventually, but the taste was pretty good.

by Novel_Championship93


  1. We make do when we must. Thank you for your sacrifice.

  2. DayTrippin2112



  3. goingoutwest123

    Burger should never be taller than wide. The chode principle, as I like to call it.

  4. GuavaOdd1975

    I would gladly eat the veggies as a side salad so the meat, cheese, and bun were more manageable.

  5. YeMumsPissFlaps

    What are those peppers? They looks tasty ๐Ÿ˜‹

  6. SmallTownHardwareGuy

    ๐Ÿ‘€. Wow ๐Ÿ˜ณ how do you get your mouth open wide enough??

  7. proteusON

    I did the exact same thing tonight. I had to finish it with a fork, But I had a little side dish of spread that was convenient to fork pieces and dip them into spread. Yum

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