Tagliatelle with ragu sauce (Tagliatelle al ragù) | English version

Tagliatelle with ragù, also known as tagliatelle alla bolognese, are one of the most iconic dishes of Italian cuisine, originating from the Emilia-Romagna region.
This dish combines the delicacy of homemade tagliatelle with the robustness of ragù, a rich and aromatic meat sauce that requires time and dedication to be prepared to perfection.
The result is a dish that represents the true essence of Italian cuisine: simplicity, quality of ingredients, and love in the preparation.

### Ingredients
– 400 grams of fresh tagliatelle
– 300 grams of ground beef
– 150 grams of ground pork
– One carrot
– One celery stalk
– One onion
– 400 grams of tomato sauce
– One glass of red wine
– 200 milliliters of meat broth
– 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
– Salt and black pepper
– Grated Parmesan cheese for serving
– One bay leaf (optional)
– Nutmeg (optional)

Web: https://www.ilcucinologo.com/recipes/tagliatelle-with-ragu-sauce
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