I followed the overnight refrigerator focaccia recipe by Alexandra’s kitchen. Any tips on how to get the bottom crispier? I ended up flipping it and putting it back in the oven for a few minutes to crisp up but I’m sure that’s not really the right way to do it

by livw17


  1. AdProfessional6153

    I remember when I first started making bread, I started with focaccia. Sure my first couple of loaves weren’t pretty, but they were damn good. You did great. Crumb looks nice. I bet that tastes phenomenal in a sandwich.

  2. AdProfessional6153

    Tip to get the bottom crispy is a heavy amount of olive oil in the pan, as well as high heat. Somewhere around 450-550 if your oven can get that hot. 550 is preferred if possible, but it will turn out great being baked at 500

  3. Agreeable_Mechanic89

    If you enjoy the process and the product You knead to keep baking

  4. LegsLovelyLuxe2

    This looks super good and tasty! definitely way better than my 1st try.. great job there! <3

  5. albatross1984

    I just want to squish that bread and eat it. Focaccia is one of my favorites and it looks like you did a wonderful job. It looks absolutely delicious. Hats off to you!

  6. cylgator

    🫶proud moment here! It looks delicious!

  7. Dandelion_Man

    Did you spell something in you crust?

  8. Expert_Conference_19

    Im so hungry right now and this looks amazing 😋 I want to go bake bread now!

  9. shutupsammy55678

    I would inhale this before it got out of the oven. Good job!

  10. billieboop

    I had the same issue this week with my bread and did the same and flipped it over.

    For focaccia i used a roasting metal pan with liberal olive oil and that worked really well with a crispy bottom and absorption of all the delicious oil. Consider the vessel you use to put it in. Something with a good heat conduction would work best.

    Great bake though.. What was the filling you used? 🤤

  11. PancakeRule20

    Listen, you spelled “focaccia” correctly so I cannot be mad with you.
    Awesome job btw

  12. chickencake88

    I struggle with the proving. It doesn’t get big enough cuz my house isn’t warm! Where did you prove yours and do you have the recipe?

  13. _holybananas

    Try bon appetit’s recipe – perfect every single time and foolproof!

  14. hummymum

    This is wayyyyyyy better than my first attempt at focaccia haha good job looks delicious.

  15. LetMeOuttaHere2020

    Be proud of yourself! I think it looks excellent. Focaccia is an inherently ugly bread, but it’s so good! I use the same technique; an overnight in the fridge. Keep baking!

  16. Mission-Patient-4404

    It’s beautiful and looks delicious

  17. RideThatBridge

    Wow-that is beautiful! You did a fantastic job!

  18. NYCJDD115

    It looks good. I quite often add a couple of teaspoons of dough enhancer and it comes a bit lighter and fluffier but this looks delicious.

  19. PSUkatie

    Bake on a lower rack? But yeah, focaccia is the bread for people who think they can’t make bread. Not sure if it’s the same recipe, with the one I use you don’t even have to touch it until it’s time to dimple it.

  20. happily_sMothered

    It looks like you made a flower, the red onion are the petals, and the rosemary are the stems

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