Plot twist: she is Japanese.

by yogrowman


  1. Effective-Pain2873

    It looks interesting. I’ll take two!

  2. PurplePantyGirl

    I’d have to fork and knife that bad boy

  3. artcostanza82

    You didn’t have a real Wagyu burger while you were out there?

  4. She’s trying to keel you but you’ll die happy lol.

  5. Mister-Nash-Ketchum

    This is too much but also just right at the same time. Not sure what it is, but I’m intrigued by this massive stack.

  6. ShiftyState

    Well tell her to stop or some god’s going to smash the shit and make everybody speak different languages.

  7. OddKnowledge7450

    Looks gross lol I’d tell her no thanks I’ll make my own burger

  8. Apprehensive-Mud5511

    I’ve said it before: Wife her again.

  9. MangoKakigori

    Shit! Come back to Japan they are miles better than that slop!

  10. She was probably worried about what you did over there😉She’s trying to be worthy hahaha.

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