We live in New Zealand, but met in Yorkshire and my husband is the king of Yorkshire puddings! How lucky am I to be presented with this as a midweek meal! It's almost impossible to get a good Sunday Roast in a restaurant over here so that makes me appreciate my husband all the more!

by Yesterday_is_hist0ry


  1. FeeWeak1138

    Looks perfect! Congrats for having your man enjoy pleasing the family with beautiful dinners!

  2. ovoid709

    This looks so good I want to eat my phone.

  3. HighwaySerious8015

    American here, this looks delicious! Hours in the gym! lol! But probably a great cheat meal!

  4. seandowling73

    Is it served in Yorkshire Pudding bowls?

  5. coolhandjukes38-

    How do I order a dozen!?? 🤣👍

  6. blueplate7

    Wow! That looks excellent. Good on you and your hubby!

  7. Exotic_Pea8191

    Comfort food done extremely well 😋

  8. Remarkable-Reward403

    I will learn to make this… that looks so homey and comforting. Fall is coming, and that meal says, “Eat me,” hard.


    In America we have a version of this called Pot Pie which I don’t like. I’m going to have to try it this way!

  10. KaleidoscopeNo9102

    Aww I’m a Brit living in Canada and I try my best to make Sunday roast dinners for my family of 6 as much as possible because it feels like a homey thing for me. The kids LOVE yorkshires but I’ve never tried doing giant ones like this. They look delicious!

  11. Any_Lawfulness980

    Roast in a Yorkshire pudding bowl!? Man is a legend

  12. Free-Front8582

    Wow, your husband’s roast dinner looks absolutely epic! 🍽️👏 The perfect roast

  13. Adventurous_Train876

    Oh my gob. That looks so pretty!

  14. jackblueblue

    This looks incredible. Did he have to do the Yorkshire’s in multiple batches, simultaneously in multiple ovens or are they smaller than they look?

  15. Honkey_Fellatio

    What is the big bread bowl thing called?

  16. Leather-Anything8351

    This is a beautiful dish. I wish you could ship it to the US❤️. Thank you for sharing.

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