Kindly ignore the crack

by 102PineB


  1. ScrattWitDaNutt

    What kind of sauce is that, and how did you make it so red? I thought it was ketchup and this was r/stupidfoods for a second. I’m assuming it’s some kind of strawberry sauce? It looks amazing, by the way!

  2. Miss_Pouncealot

    Do a water bath next time! I always do for cheesecake even if the recipe doesn’t say to.

    Make sure the water is HOT for the water bath! Also make sure the springform pan is completely sealed on the bottom so no water leaks through. I like Costco’s huge roll of foil for that.

    For rating I would say 9/10 the strawberry is throwing me 😂 you could add some whipped cream to hide the crack some but it’s cheesecake, it’s delicious, enjoy it!

    Now I need to make a cheesecake 😆

  3. GirlisNo1

    Love the decor with the syrup, so pretty 😍

  4. Andycandyboo

    Looks yummy!!! Really love how it looks, im not a fan of strawberry cheesecake but if i saw this i’d definitely try a bite!

  5. I will PM you my address, send me a piece!

  6. The “singles’ cheesecake” cuz if you like to eat it at family home, lil sister/brother would start a war for that strawberry

  7. Reasonable_Guidance5

    Very mindful, very demure, I love the simplicity of it. How did it taste? I’d love the recipe. I could make tiny cheesecakes for my party.

  8. cancat918

    I’m going with an 8.5, because the sauce almost… highlighted the crack, and due to culinary training, I can’t quite ignore it. Blame my incredibly picky ♍️ nature.🙃😶‍🌫️🥹😭

    The color is very even, and you clearly prepared your pan well, so it’s still a job well done, especially under the conditions you mentioned!🍓🫶🙌

  9. Constant-Security525

    Appearance, 10/10. As for flavor and texture, I can only guess they are also good. Wish you could send me a slice to confirm.

  10. Icy-Paramedic8460

    The power level of this cheesecake is over 9000

  11. LuckySlevin98

    Looks very delicious. But I can’t rate it until you let me taste it 😄

  12. postgrad-dep18

    so gorgeous! I’ll take 14 of them

  13. Diligent_Mess1188

    Solid 9/10 you should be proud

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