Proud parent here!

by RoyalEnfield78


  1. galileosmiddlefinger

    Nice job! I sense many stir-fries in your future. 🙂

  2. cspot1978

    Bok choy is a nice, easy, quick one. And a great one nutritionally.

    At least in the absence of surprise heat waves that make it bolt early.

  3. GentlemanUrbanFarmer

    So great to see them without insect damage. Healthy plants don’t get attacked. Good job!

  4. Independent_Cow_4959

    Just seeded ours in our high tunnel today. Hoping for a good harvest in about 50 days 🤞🏼

  5. catseatingmytoes

    besides stir fry, what else can you do with bok choy?

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