[Honemade] Chiles en Nogada

by AStrangerWCandy


  1. akfmm88

    They remind me of a dish from Like Water For Chocolate. They look very tasty. 

  2. NoGoodMc2

    Man I’ve been wanting to try those for a while, that walnut cream sauce always looks amazing. Need to try making it one day.

  3. Speedhabit

    Very rarely do we get real food porn

    This is one of them

    NO WAY it tastes as good as it looks

    Btw: the effort tho

  4. Hirutenko

    I’ve never heard of this, but what a picture! I wonder what this taste like

  5. AStrangerWCandy

    If anyone is curious I used Diana Kennedy’s recipe from The Essential Cuisines of Mexico

  6. Champigne

    If you’re ever in Puebla, Mexico, order this at a restaurant.

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