so if yall saw my last post on here you saw that epic baking fail i posted, and i have tried again. they turned out this time!

by Silly_Adhesiveness90


  1. riverside_engineer

    They turned out this time.. feels like there’s a “better” missing in there 😅.

    They look good!

  2. Wintertanuki

    I’m proud of you for trying again! Looks great!

  3. Much better result. Although I did enjoy the pan from hell.

  4. danniejordan

    A huge improvement from the last batch, they look fantastic!

  5. AbbeyRoadMoonwalk

    Sweet victory! How are they with that cream cheese center? 🤩

  6. tacoflavoredpringles

    Hey, good on you for jumping right into it again!

    They look delicious – do you have a recipe?

  7. Uptasumthin

    These look great but I loved your 1st try 😁

  8. ButDidYouCry

    Good job, OP! They look much better.

  9. TableAvailable

    Those look better that the giant burned puddle!

  10. imnotfocused

    the first ones looked more delicious tbh…

    jk! those look so good! proud of you for trying again:)

  11. ImaginaryEggplant115

    Great job! *Truly*, practice makes perfect!!!

  12. downthegrapevine

    I love this update! They look so yummy!!

  13. kumibug

    as it would turn out, flour is an important part of the recipe 😂

    these look delicious, good job!

  14. Did you have to go buy a new pan first lol 🤣 jk I saw the parchment but I bet the house had to be fumigated lol. Enjoy one for me. Were they hard to make? They look complex.

  15. Fibro_curls_n_coffee

    YES!! 🙌🏽 great job!! And props to you for trying again!

  16. Upscale_Foot_Fetish

    Way to go! Much better. I bet you’ll never make that mistake again.

  17. Ok-Tomatillo6639

    I instinctively swiped looking for another pan disaster lol

  18. Poootedlilpooptoot

    I would like to sample those!

  19. the-mushroomcat

    They look good, hopefully you didn’t add as much sugar this time

  20. blindcat7

    those look spectacular, props to you for not giving up (i would’ve)

  21. br4tygirl

    so what did you do so wrong last time that created the monstrosity

  22. CatfromLongIsland

    I saw your last attempt at . . . cookies. These look fantastic! Way to bounce back!

  23. fuschia_taco

    Oooh these look way more like the picture than the last attempt for sure! Great job op. This is going into my bookmarks to get made at a later date because those look so good.

  24. koolaidismything

    You know when people say Practice makes Perfect?

    I’ve never had it apply to anything more than food, especially baking. It’s so involved a process that every time you’re gonna be learning something you will do differently next time.

    Then one day you realize people are calling you to bake everything and talking about how it’s better than anything they can buy at a store.

    Stick with it! And those look great.. I don’t see any issue except they aren’t in front of me lol. I could crush those with a big glass of milk 🫡

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