The violent orange sauce is made with cream, butter, Romano cheese, onions, roasted peppers, tomatoes, and garlic.

by Nordic_Smoque


  1. semperfi9964

    Yummy! Had to look up Calabrian pepper. Looks a lot like our (USA) chili’d’arbole pepper. Since we grow some, looking forward to making this! Thanks!

  2. Big_Tower_6468

    so good, i make this all the time. one of my favorite recipes

  3. Sproose_Moose

    Not only does it look delicious, the plating and arrangement of the pasta is visually pleasing. A+

  4. Far_Ad_2761

    Pecorino Romano is the right cheese. Next time seek out Locatelli Pecorino Romano. I can tell this isn’t it and I promise once you have it, you’ll know you have it. It’s the absolute best for pasta, inside meatballs, in the chicken cutlet breading mix, on soup. Anytime you use grated cheese.

    Ps Nobody tell me Parmigiano Reggiano is better. It’s better as a table cheese. To eat! When you need grated like for food I mentioned. LPR is a must.

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