Got some free meat that sprouts was giving away due to going bad soon. The meat guy was second guessing himself on giving me these filets. Strong odor from the meat, but not unlike other times when my beef has oxidized and been in the fridge a while…

by Salty_Candy_4917


  1. Oh boy absolutely not – not unless you want to be in the bathroom all night

  2. Salty_Candy_4917

    Thanks for the responses. Seems like a resounding no. If not hell no, lol.

  3. TheVanillaGorilla413

    Just go to Costco next time.

  4. ThreeColorsTrilogy

    I know someone on this subs a hell yes 

  5. ChiefBobbert

    I would fear anything they sell in the marinaded section. It is insane they even gave this to you.

  6. Fun_Contract_1265

    No, even if it was safe from bacteria, that rotting smell will still resonate after being cooked

  7. Constant-Tutor7785

    My local Sprouts has gone way downhill since the pandemic, too. High prices and mediocre quality. Never seen one as bad as this, though SMH. No way I’d risk eating that.

  8. KobeShouldHaveDrove


    I wanna see if you can survive that.

  9. Krishna1945

    I can smell that shit from here, 🤮

  10. Servichay

    He was second guessing and you think it’s still good?

    Was he second guessing because he didn’t want to give away valuable product, or second guessing because he didn’t want a lawsuit lolllolol

  11. Punch_Your_Facehole

    That beef turned into bad chicken.

  12. Old_Grocery3977

    smell it. the color and blood done leaked out, changing the color i believe. Smelling it will let you know. (if I’m wrong pls don’t down vote me to hell)

  13. Successful-Pear-1498

    If you need to ask you already know.

  14. Successful-Pear-1498

    Use it for bait for catfish then have a fish fry.

  15. FlakyAd3273

    Hope you’re joking. Smell test is the number one test and it failed.

  16. _spectre_

    If someone even showed this meat to me in real life I’d hit them with a hammer.

  17. Darrkman

    I’m sorry but WTF is wrong with some of yall in here??

    “The store is GIVING AWAY meat that smells really bad. The guy in the store is worried about giving it to me. Should I eat it???”

    Do you hear how that sounds?!?!?

    “Oh by the way here’s a picture of the meat that’s taken on a brown color. Is it good?”

    Jesus……stop the world I want to get off.

  18. Humble_Tennis_7263

    That’s pretty damn brown lol

  19. More-Jellyfish-60

    Well my granny would always take a whiff. Even if it’s brown if it doesn’t smell bad ( rotten) she’ll still cook it. Well done of course and simmer it a nice spicy sauce and we’re all still alive.

  20. blowout2retire

    I have seen some that looks worse with no smell I’ve also seen better looking be bad id salt tf outta the outside like I do any steak lmao quick salt brine ive literally never had a “bad” steak no matter how bad it smelled before I cooked it but I guess I lucked out and always have had perfectly aged beef lol but idk all i can say is bad smells are fine kinda but a sour milk like smell is definitely bad thats lacto fermented at that point but yeah man id eat it I know everyone else saying no idgaf

  21. fatherbowie

    When it looks like a cadaver liver that’s been around a while and has been examined by some first year med students, DO NOT EAT.

  22. seinsmelled2

    Just make sure the internal temperature is at least 500 degrees.

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