I make all of the birthday cakes for my colleagues and this was such an interesting request. Not overly sweet, pleasant flavours and textures. If you’re looking for a different kind of cake to make, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

The bananas are tossed in lemon juice, the cake is light, and the whipped cream with dark chocolate shavings is not overly sweet.

I used the recipe from a blog called Kitchen Stories.

by altruistic-alpaca


  1. Melodic-Extreme-549

    Looks and sounds delicious! It was also so nice of you to make for them!

  2. SpeakerSame9076

    That is so unusual to me, but looks fantastic. Going to have to try it!

  3. AccomplishedAd7992

    aw this is so sweet, major kudos!

  4. It looks great! Thanks for sharing. I love learning about novel recipes and treats from other cultures!

  5. SportyGalaxyLady

    If you’re up for trying something new, this cake is a unique blend of light, tangy, and sweett.

  6. GodiLoveBread

    That cake looks amazing I’ll have to try making it!

  7. Pferdmagaepfel

    I’m German and we also have this cake, it’s soooo yummy, the perfect spring and summer cake. Creamy and airy, sweet and crumbly, banana-y, soft and just delicious. And the stracciatella cream in the middle, maaan 🤤

  8. I-hear-the-coast

    I love bananas, so I will definitely be trying this!! Thanks!

  9. 61114311536123511

    I remember my mother made me one of those for my 8th birthday. She got a clay mole statue and had him standing in the middle of the mole cake it was so cute. (I’m german)

  10. schnuffichen

    I’m German, and I excitedly exclaimed “MAULWURFKUCHEN!!” when I saw the picture. It was a big thing in the late 90s/early 2000s in my neck of the woods. So nice of you to make this for your student, it looks fantastic!

  11. No_Needleworker215

    This looks like heaven. I’m definitely trying this. Does the lemon help the bananas not get brown and mushy?

  12. KittyTitties666

    Oh my gosh, I need to try this. For the whipped cream did you just pile it on and shape it by hand? It’s so uniform!

  13. tough_ledi

    I can’t eat bananas but I love this concept, it looks delicious and gorgeous 

  14. No-Island-4048

    We eat it in Poland too! Very easy and delicious

  15. Garconavecunreve

    Maulwurfkuchen – major throwback, used to be the epitome of a German/Austrian Birthdaycake in the early 2000s

  16. AnxiousBiped

    Thank you for sharing this! I’d never heard of it, but it sounds wonderful – I have my next project.

  17. clarabarson

    We have this one here in Romania as a boxed cake and I’ve had it on several occasions. I’ve never had it made from scratch, I bet it tastes even better.

  18. NecessaryOrder9707

    That sounds delicious and really interesting! I can’t wait to try making it.

  19. tidalwaveofstars

    This looks delightful and what a sweet gesture to make them feel special 💜

  20. koviu_ken

    I’m Polish and I’ve had it before it’s called kopiec kreta here it’s so good and urs looks absolutely amazing!

  21. GoddessGalaxyYoga

    Looks delicious adventure! Love it <3

  22. feminist_chocolate

    As a a German I was delighted to see this! Haven’t thought about this cake in years (I’ve emigrated), but now I’m craving it of course lol. It’s delicious!!

  23. cuteButDeadlyButCute

    Man, Maulwurfkuchen slaps!!
    I’m a professionally trained pastry chef. I can make a lot of real fancy cakes. But when it’s my birthday, I always ask my Mama to make me a Maulwurfkuchen and it’s the best.

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