It’s Saturday. I’m drunk. This counts as grilling.

by jimmy__jazz


  1. Humble_Tennis_7263

    At least you didn’t reverse sear it and use special smoking chips

  2. 2024account

    Drunk and only a single dog is needed? Throw another one or two on man, you won’t regret it

  3. FartKnockerBungHole

    No black gloves in sight. Sorry man. Doesn’t count.

  4. Stank18

    Doesn’t want to ruin his buzz. I’ll allow it.

  5. Eideard

    that thing is going to taste amazing , I guarantee it

  6. Legitimate_Door_627

    You said you was drunk, at least throw something else on the grill.

  7. Hebdog888

    Hit me up. I’ll bring a dog of my own

  8. Professional_Mud483

    $1 says he forgets the dog and never turned on the grill.

  9. GumbyBClay

    The fact that you went this far and didn’t just shove it In the toaster, means a lot. Yes, you love grilling, or you’re not drunk enough.

  10. Dull-Gur8735

    At least make the whole pack! 🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. JTR9902

    Grilling with no heat is my fav thing to do as well when I’m drunk… Gotta raw dawg it one way or another

  12. Old_Band2679

    1 hotdog would just leave me pissed off lol

  13. kblazer1993

    Get an air fryer. Great for dogs and bacon

  14. JemmaMimic

    Bloody hell, you didn’t even spiralize!

  15. flat6NA

    Another solid reason for having a gas grill.

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