$12.99 at total wine.

by yoyogogo111


  1. burnshimself

    Every day we stray further from God’s light

  2. Ok-Gazelle3182

    I dont say this with malice. But whoever made this needs to die a horrible death.

  3. CrustyToeLover

    Oh that’s a Trader Joes brand. If you want try it, it’s only 7$ at TJ

  4. TanamaElite

    I saw something similar at Trader Joe’s and thought for sure this is the bad place.

  5. ThessandMax

    How does it taste?
    As a German it reminds me of Glühwein(mulled wine), most supermarkets here sell it ready made.

  6. crispydukes

    Y’all are hating on this WAY too much.

  7. Bdowns_770

    Oh ick. I made a “brown butter” chard joke not that long ago and now I think it might be in someone’s product pipeline. Also planned: hot dog flavored vodka.

  8. thelauryngotham

    I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to wine. I happen to be the same way about my coffee too.

    Every now and then I like a little bit of a treat. So I jump into the car, go get a huge sugary ~~abomination~~ creation from Starbucks and suck it down. I *know* it’s a crime against coffee. I *know* it’s not going to be good coffee. But I’ve learned to see it for what it is: Not coffee, but rather something new to try just for fun.

    This wine sounds like it fits perfectly into this category. Because of this, I’d love to try it just for the fun of trying pumpkin spice wine.

  9. Impressive-Cold6855

    Cast it into the fire. Destroy it!!

  10. Accomplished-Try-529

    This would probably be good served ice-cold, or heated up (and maybe mixed with apple cider).

  11. ManagerSuccessful498

    Haha tbh I would buy it just to hate taste it

  12. reality_comes

    I mean I’d try it. I can’t imagine how it would be good. But a Sangria works on a hot day and pumpkin works on a cool fall day. So maybe..

  13. Competitive_Acadia93

    I saw some at Trader Joe’s also.

  14. BentonD_Struckcheon

    Goes well with pineapple pizza no doubt.

  15. Vanilla_Mike

    Wine was drank with spices for the entire history we’ve drank wine. Call yourself a snob or a purist but youre falling into a history trap for dumb people. You’re not smarter or more sophisticated than people 3,000 years ago you just have a different culture.

    Pumpkin spice is traditional Western Europe spice pallet. Peasants in medieval England 700 years ago were “into” baking spices so it’s been basic forever but you only see people commenting on it because it’s trendy to hate.

  16. cakes628

    Are they allowed to call this wine? I thought it had to be called a wine beverage if they put any non grape additions in

  17. Kind_of_a_liability

    Are you genuinely surprised?

  18. BothCondition7963

    The “Rombauer + Starbucks + Uggs” collab we’ve all been waiting for

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