Title is a little misleading – I've baked quite a bit of bread leavened with commercial yeast. These are my first loaves of true Sourdough.

I'm happy with them! I used the Country Sourdough recipe out of Tartine and baked in an old Le Creuset dutch oven with no more enamel left. The crumb is very springy and chewy, with a great crisp on the crust and a bit of tart flavor. A really good everyday bread.

I do think that I could have cooked them a little darker, as I would enjoy a bit more flavor and nose to them. I may end up preferring a recipe that incorporates more whole grain for those reasons. I'll have to experiment. Additionally, my scoring could use some work.

All in all, this has been a successful first exploration with wild yeasts. The bread is good. Better than anything I can purchase locally, and it wasn't too much fuss to make.

by 5ag3


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