3 inch ribeye.

by KeithBe77


  1. Character-Vacation-5

    Was the crust good? Or did it taste burnt?

  2. zephyrtr

    Interior looks awesome but IDK about that crust

  3. Open_Mind12

    Looks more burnt than a sear. Best is to reverse sear a 3-inch cut. BUT, as long as you liked it, that’s all that matters.

  4. Winter-Classroom455

    The outside says *kill me*

    The inside says mmmm 🤤

  5. Blender_Nocturne

    Some people in here really don’t like char huh

  6. 4ringfreak

    I think this is prime rib at this point 🤷

  7. Lord_Muramasa

    I probably would have been a little more heavy handed with the seasoning on a steak that thick but other then that it looks good. I would eat it

  8. Distinct_Pin_9503

    It’s a roast… just rare rib roast beef…

  9. Fold_Remote

    From my experience, 3 inch would be a daunting task. I’ve never gone past 1.5.
    It looks great.

  10. championofthelight

    I would have cut it down the middle and had two nice ribeyes. If you liked it that’s all that matters.

  11. Gotcha-bitch_69

    I’d rather cut it into 4ths and eat all of them by myself lol

  12. BAKERBOY99_

    Sear, then indirect heat my man. Inside looks good though!

  13. blowout2retire

    He cooked this just like my sister likes her marshmallow stick it right in the fire catch the whole mf thing on fire and blow it out it’s done lmao

  14. MissAmmiSunwolf

    On the outside charcoal on the inside blood raw.

  15. SnaxMcGhee

    I am someone who cooks thick steaks at a high temperatures and I really like a “black and ALMOST blue” steak. That being said, this is a bit on the black side for me. HOWEVER…I’ve lost control of my fire in my early cooking days. Turned my back for what felt like a minute and came back to an inferno. I could have SWORN that steak was ruined, but it still tasted amazing.

  16. serious_impostor

    My dad used to get this from our local butcher and the butcher would call out…”1 brontosaurus burger…” to his guys in the back. Brings back memories.

  17. iGotBuffalo66onDvD

    That was my nickname In High school

  18. Any-Geologist-1837

    People ragging on it being burnt do not know the joys of having an element of char in your sear. Looks ruined, but tastes amazing. This is because you have created the maximum potential flavinoids for the crust. Your mouth explodes with flavor. If you prefer the maximum amount and spectrum of beef flavor, try searing your steak to a char! (Takes skill to do right without overcooking center, but I now prioritize intense crusts over medium rare interiors).

  19. Fast-Box4076

    Your nickname in high school ☺️

  20. AlphaDag13

    “See honey, three inches is just fine.”

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