I was going all out for this birthday cake for someone but they sorta were just like “oh a cake.” I learned to make Italian meringue buttercream flowers for the first time and was kinda happy about the result. Cake itself was a matcha chiffon layered with fresh blueberries, toasted almond and white chocolate crunch, plum wine jelly and whipped cream. I would keep experimenting with baking because I find joy in the process of creation, but it’d be really nice to have an enthusiastic eater one day 😌.

by mayameshes


  1. I’m sorry but they’re crazy. That sounds delicious and it looks lovely. Edited to add: I would be delighted to eat that cake!

  2. AmbassadorSad1157

    Sounds like somebody had their own expectations. Being grateful and thankful is common courtesy. Your cake is lovely and I would be happy to receive it.

  3. HagenReb

    It is beautiful. You did a very good job.

  4. OldEntertainer7337

    You are incredibly skilled, and the cake is stunning. Too bad your friends can’t appreciate beauty.

  5. doggosandnursing

    That’s ridiculous! This looks stunning. Amazing work!

  6. mr_antman85

    Don’t try to live up others expectations. You just said you learned a lot and **you** were happy with it. Your skills have grown immensely. 

    Did you give them what they asked for? If your answer is yes then screw the applause and accolades.

    This looks amazing.

  7. Alive_Ability9038

    Such a beautiful cake – I cannot fathom someone not being stunned by this

  8. ArbitTension

    That’s a gorgeous cake!! I would feel so loved if someone made me that. The effort clearly shows! You’re very talented and have a wonderful aesthetic sense. It looks straight out of a magazine 😍

  9. Last_Friend_6350

    Lose the friends and keep the cake.

    That’s tremendous piping work and the cake flavours sound out of this world!

  10. bitesizedfish

    Omg I’m sorry that happened to you! This cake is B E A U T I F U L. You’re incredibly talented! I would happily be your enthusiastic taster any day! 😆

  11. PointeTendu

    It’s stunning! Please be proud of yourself!

  12. Roupert4

    It’s stunning, truly.

    Not everybody would appreciate the skill involved, maybe they don’t like flowers, who knows. It looks fabulous.

    Do you know the line from Marilyn Monroe? (Paraphrasing) You could be the best peach in the whole world but there’s always somebody that doesn’t like peaches

  13. StrangeAndUnseeming

    Visually this is absolutely *gorgeous,* however I would maybe caution against going so experimental with flavors when it’s meant as a gift for someone else. (Presuming they didn’t ask for this combo! If they did, they’re just a jerk)

    Is it possible they were expecting or hoping for a more ‘standard’ flavored cake? Because while it sounds good, if I’d been presented with it I probably would have been a bit overwhelmed, especially considering matcha, almond, and plum wine can be kind of polarizing for people in my experience. This doesn’t make how unappreciative they were feel any better or make it okay (I tend to lean on the side of ‘if they put effort in, you should appreciate that, even if it’s not your cup of tea’) but it might explain their response a bit.

    If you want to explore like this and have a group that is excited and enthusiastic about it, maybe you could put together some sort of tea party where the star of the show is a cake you made? It gets people excited to try something new and if they’re expecting it they might be more receptive!

  14. sooobeee

    do they have working eyes? this is beautiful! congrats ♥️

  15. MillieBirdie

    A lot of people don’t know the skill or effort required to do certain things, like decorate cakes. The most charitable interpretation is that they just didn’t realize how impressive this was.

  16. lazylittlelady

    I think they look beautiful and almost Victorian!

  17. CesareBach

    Matcha flavor is an acquired taste, so maybe that’s why.

    Not everyone could appreciate that your decor requires an amazing skill.

  18. flossybop73

    This is so beautiful! I’m not a fan of matcha and still thought it sounded delicious. I know the pain though, I once spent hours making a Yule log with ganache and meringue mushrooms for Xmas day and only one family member even tried it. I was heartbroken.

  19. -CommanderShepardN7

    You’re a living legend. That’s top notch , upper echelon baking and icing work right there. 😌

  20. inorbit007

    It’s beautiful and sounds delicious!

  21. Stressed-Student2326

    This looks fantastic, and those flowers look amazing!

  22. PinchOfAlchemy

    Is stunning! And the flavosr sounds lovely 🥺

  23. Daisy_is_a_nice_name

    oh my gosh, this is a work of art. Really incredible, keep doing it!

  24. silverbung

    idk if i would wanna slice that cake, it is too pretty!

  25. teacherladydoll

    Here’s an enthusiastic “omg it’s lovely!!” I love butter cream.

  26. Mobile_Arm305

    This is beautiful cake. I’m sorry you didn’t get the kudos you deserved. I’m super impressed with your piping skills

  27. mayameshes

    Thanks everyone! Was not expecting so much support but your replies are really, really heartwarming 🥺 I think the birthday person’s reaction is just sadly them being unfazed towards my bakes in general…I saw someone asking for the Italian meringue buttercream recipe so here’s what I used:

    45 g water + 140 g sugar for the syrup, brought to 115 degree Celsius

    130 g egg whites

    420 g softened butter, cubed

    I halved the recipe when I made it because I frosted the cake with whipped cream and was only using it for the flowers. Thanks again guys 🥺🥺🥺

  28. veryanxiouscreature

    i get this. i bake for my family and my parents absolutely refuse to say anything good (about me or any of their children, because many reasons).

    the other day i watched my dad eat some bread i made, and i could see how much he liked it. he said “i hate to admit this, but your cooking and baking is very good.” forehead vein straining and everything. and then he didn’t speak to me for two days lol.

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