The style is a Lambeth cake, it’s earl grey cake layers and a vanilla earl grey buttercream with vanilla Swiss meringue decor. I opted to do a sweet milk to moisten the layers rather than simple syrup to try and add to the “latte” idea.

by Pale_deadflower


  1. TrueCryptographer982

    Absolutely gorgeous!

    The flowers are really something I haven’t really seen that technique before but it works so well and your sides are smooth as glass! Is the whole thing SMBC or just the piped stuff?

    I’ve never made earl grey flavoured cake, for some reason it doesn’t appeal – is it a delicious cake? I always think it will taste really tea-y (if that makes sense lol).

  2. BFFshopper

    I really love it! I’m curious how did you make it London fog flavored?

  3. hartswyld

    Looks beautiful and sounds as though it will be tasty indeed, enjoy your birthday ✨️⭐️🌟

  4. rybiara

    Absolutely stunning work, happy birthday! I hope you’ll have lots of fun

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