Homemade patties and sauce for this saturday night

by shartlord42069


  1. I’ll allow it! I love a good burger, but I’ve also made black bean burgers on occasion, and it can be a delicious change of pace. Of course it’s not the same, but I enjoy them simply as a different kind of sandwich while still rhyming in some ways with a typical burger.

    Variety is the spice of life.

  2. that depends🤔 what’s the sauce? (jk i loooove bean burgers)

  3. Notorious2again

    Yes. Ground protein patty for the purists.

    Frankly, I’m a meat-centric eater. But my wife and I have collaborated on some great veggie burgers over the years, and black beans seem to be the easiest base to build from.

    Nice work, OP. I’d eat it.

  4. Damn straight they count if using Aussie rules – the only rules that matter. Looks great, would eat. Needs a side though.

  5. ShesATragicHero


    Not my jam, but I’ve had plenty and that’s looking good!

  6. Alive-Bid-5689

    Absolutely, especially when the patties and sauce are homemade. I’d be totally psyched to try that. Looks great.

  7. Asleep_Principle_570

    Worth checking out the recipe for Superiority Burger if this is your thing. Doesn’t disappoint

  8. T00000007

    Looks like what SpongeBob served the health inspector

  9. JuiceDistinct3280

    I’d say black bean count because it’s not trying to be meat. But garbage like Impossible burger stuff no that’s unacceptable.

  10. I like black bean patties but they are absolutely not burgers.

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