I recently moved and just found out the person I rent from has a propane grill and was super excited to grill some chicken tonight! Until I opened it up and saw the state it’s in… What’s the best way to remove this rust before I grill later this afternoon?

by iLuvKush95


  1. muffinbouffant

    Run the flames a few minutes to cook all that gunk off then brush it off then wipe the grill down with an oiled paper towel and it and it will be good to go.

  2. Plebroyale

    Fire it up. Close the lid for 20 – 25 minutes. The heat will make scraping the rust and gunk off much easier. Use a steel brush and scrub. Take a piece of paper towel, fold it over several times until it’s a small square, dip it in oil. Then using tongs rub the oil-dipped paper towel over the grates.

  3. life-is-a-lemon

    I used to just burn it off over my charcoal chimney. Other than wasting fuel, it was effective. One day I was using my power washer and the “Tim the Tool-Man Taylor” in me thought to use it on my grill grates. It worked perfectly!

    In case it isn’t obvious, I placed the grates on a spare patio stone I had laying around before washing. Quick and easy.

  4. Musician_Gloomy

    Brush it. High heat and rub with avocado or other high smoke point oil.

  5. Macarena6969

    I usually spray avocado oil on the grates then brush it like crazy while it’s cold then heat it up and do again dipping the brush into the avocado oil and scraping again. It works

  6. Joey_BagaDonuts57

    Try hitting them with oven cleaner, wash off, cooking oil light scrub with balled up foil then put the heat to them. A light oiling and you’re ready for cooking.

  7. this_weeks_hyperfix

    I personally stay away from brushes. I’ve seen some horrific instances of the wires breaking off and being ingested.

    My go to method is to fire up the grill and lay some aluminum foil over the grates. This traps the heat right near them. Let it cook for about 5 min then take the foil off and loosely ball it up. Take your tongs to grab the ball and use it to scrape whatever is left. I’ve used this method to clean a grill that was much worse off than this one

  8. Chiryou

    What people said here and rubbing a cut onion on it afterwards helps with the final touch

  9. 3_Big_Birds

    If you really want to put down pieces of aluminum foil over rather grates and turn the burners on hi, let it run till everything is glowing red then brush it.

  10. Few-Woodpecker-737

    Fasten both grates to a piece of chain and then to the back of your vehicle and drive around the block one time, no more. Clean as a whistle! Won’t work if you live on a dirt road. Asphalt only…that’s 15 minutes total cleaning time…oh, also, should be drinking beer during the entire process. You are welcome.

  11. ToolBoxBuddy

    Lite that sucker up and get it hot hot. Then just brush it real good.

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