why does every Turkish fast food give ketchup with it?

by Dry_Scientist_5984


  1. This is a joke here but I think they are angry that some Italians put ketchup on their Turkish doner (which is a no no) so they got back at them by adding ketchup to pizza (which is a big no no).

  2. Oreolover16

    People in Turkey love Ketchup and Mayonnaise. They put it in Kebabs, Sandwiches and almost everything. They don’t stop there, they dip their stuff into that too. As a turk growing up in Germany, I know why. Turkish cuisine doesn’t have any sauces like European or American. So they just use ketchup and mayonnaise for everything. The best part is, they think the Europeans and Americans do this too. Cheers.

  3. frogtotem

    In Brazil, if a pizza don’t come with ketchup and mayo, we call back to ask why

  4. MaLa1964

    I’m Italian-American and my wife is from Trinidad. She says growing up in Trinidad they put ketchup and mustard on pizza. I says it’s criminal. Lol! She doesn’t do it now, at least not in front of me.

  5. My fiancé grew up in Mexico and loves putting ketchup on his pizza. He thinks I’m crazy because I put ranch on mine.

  6. 2old4ZisShit

    Normal in the middle east and that burcu is a good brand also

  7. For the same reason some people call a pizza a pie, in different places things are done differently (even if it seems odd)

  8. Vuhlinii

    Well I’ll be damned, I’ve never seen corn on a pizza until today.

  9. Mac-N-Cheeseburger


  10. phedinhinleninpark

    I think most of the world does, all of east/Southeast Asia do, that I’m aware of

  11. Thor3nce

    My wife is from Thailand and pizza restaurants there serve ketchup with pizza. It’s like how in America we add more cheese to a pizza that already has cheese.

  12. diamantaire

    Normally a typical asian trait , not judging anyone. They have the right to eat it the way they like to. But more predominant from hk to turkey i would say so.

  13. AppointmentOdd6010

    I mean realistically it’s not that different than the pizza sauce underneath, or to dip it in marinara lol. I wouldn’t eat it with ketchup myself.. but I don’t see how everyone’s so gobsmacked over it. Google “Scandinavian pizza” you’ll see much worse things that don’t even resemble a pizza

  14. tierencia

    So did in Philippines… So many banana ketchup…

  15. FairyGodmothersUnion

    We had a couple of Romanian friends come over way back un 1992, and they fell in love with Heinz ketchup. They put it on everything. I am sure the company started selling it over there not long after.

  16. Merlin_perkins69

    😋😋🔥 Great looking pie!

  17. natxavier

    That’s a fuckin’ ‘uge ketcap packet. I need it

  18. Opiumthoughts

    Not only Turkey, Brazil Ketchup and mayonnaise.

    Pizza looks fire though.

  19. MathewMurdock2

    That pizza actually looks really good

  20. frash12345

    My family in Pakistan all eat pizza with ketchup too

  21. hipsterbeard12

    Turkish law- no take out without ketchup or right to jail

  22. Gizmoma

    Why is this any different from Americans dipping their pizza in ranch or garlic sauce?

  23. Far_Sided

    They haven’t perfected Garlic Butter technology. It’s only a matter of time…

  24. HowDidFoodGetInHere

    Schwarma in Kuwait came with packets of mayo, so I just assumed that was the way it was eaten. It was delicious. If I were in Turkey and they served me pizza with ketchup packets, I might just try it.

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