Smoking two chickens, wondering if the wood chips laid like this is going to smother these briquettes. They’re the slow burn kind

by bnyce52


  1. Almostmadeit

    They wont really smother them, but that’s a lot and might be a little overpowering on the smoky flavor. I’d also take the chips off the 2nd half of the snake since the meat really stops taking on smoke after enough time on the grill and you’re just burning chips for the sake of burning them then. Happy cooking!

  2. GetBack2Wrk

    All that for 2 chooks.

    That’s going to burn for at least 12hrs .

    Go to the supermarket and grab a whole cow.

  3. bluegrassgazer

    I usually let my snake burn counter-clockwise lol.

    I agree with those who say too many wood chips.

  4. KobiDnB

    A whole chicken should be done in 100 mins or so – can’t you just pile the coals on one side and have the chicken on the other?

  5. SmokinShaunTv

    Wood chunks are better in my opinion

  6. SausageKingOfKansas

    1. Chunks, not chips. 2. Slow smoking is a great way cook a whole chicken with a nice, soft rubbery skin.

  7. FunnyItWorkedLastTim

    Chips are best for use in a smoker box or tray, chunks work best for direct on coal. You’ll wanna open up the bottom vents all the way to start then use them to moderate temp. I’d plan on finishing the birds on high to render the skin, otherwise it’s a rubbery mess.

  8. WestCoastGriller

    Those chips are likely just going to burn up than smoulder. Maybe chunks next time.

    Let us know how it works out tho!

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