Grab a buta of nebbiolo vin, some sugar and eggs, and whip up some sambaiun for a quick dessert… or perhaps if you are feeling a little bit of goi for a galuperia! Wait… what?! This is kitchen talk in Piedmont, Italy what the locals speak in the local dialect in the Langhe.

In this article, get behind the scenes in a real trattoria’s kitchen, learning Italian and, better yet, Italian language food. Practice with this authentic Italian trattoria recipe for Zabaglione, an easy, creamy custard from the area.

🍷 Click here to get the recipe for Zabaglione and get our Piemontese lexicon:

🍷 Click here to buy Aldo Clerico’s Nebbiolo:

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About Vero:
Did you know that less than 1% of wines make it to US retailers’ shelves? At Vero, which means “real” in Italian, we are constantly looking for small production, sustainably made, authentic wines from farmer-artisans not yet present in the US market. Our mission is to create a community of wine and food lovers, small producers and businesses where passion is the common denominator.

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