As the titles says, the bake on this was pretty haphazard.

450g strong white bread flower
100g starter
300g water
10g salt

Starter was way passed it peak, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try and bake with it. I kind of bunged everything in together then did 3 lots of stretch and folks and 2 coil folds about 30 mins – 45 apart.
When it came to shaping the bread I had kind of forgot about it and it definitely looked overproofed. Was a bit of a sticky mess, but got there eventually. I think letting it rest for 30 mins before doing the final shaping made a different. Then proofed in the fridge overnight.

I have been chasing the little bread belly, and the 7 minute scoring definitely made a difference with this. In one of my previous posts I was pondering if my Dutch even was too small, and I think I am going to invest in a bigger one not to get those squished looking ends on either side.

by 1nchofdust


  1. MitsuneYuna

    Looks so pretty! How deep do you score your loaves? I’ve just used a kitchen knife for my first few loaves but have no clue how deep to cut to control the score as it bakes

  2. Queasy-Olive3381

    That score looks great, I’m still trying to get the hang of it. Do you mind clarifying what you mean by a 7 minute score? Is that just how long it took? I’ve been trying to get mine from fridge to score to oven very quickly but would love to spend a few more minutes getting it looking pretty..

  3. Sunflowerpink44

    Beautiful! Was this with a knife or a lame?

  4. EastAd3310

    What do you dust the top of the loaf with? The scoring came out so well and beautiful. I have used all purpose flour and rice flour but mine the design doesn’t come out so prominent.

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