I managed to make the most dense cake ever and then also screwed up decorating it – Stella Parks carrot cake but apple variation

by ah_ri_man


  1. ah_ri_man

    I used apples from our garden at home but I think I squeezed way too much liquid out of them so that may be the reason why the cake is dry and dense. It was still pretty delicious with all the spices. I made a different buttercream though cause I didn’t have enough for the marshmallow buttercream in Bravetart – [this one](https://sugarspunrun.com/caramel-frosting-recipe/) and it was great but buttercream is still not my favorite frosting cause it’s too sweet.

    As for the decorating, I really don’t know why I didn’t wait for the caramel to cool before I started putting it on the cake but after that I was too tired and couldn’t be bothered trying to fix it or add anything else.

  2. Puppycake100

    What are talking about?

    Yummm, looks so good, I would eat that cake all by myself.🤤👌

  3. skibearz

    oh i adore this carrot cake! made it for my spouse for two birthdays in a row. what a cool thing to swap with apples, though!

  4. TheLadyPatricia

    I personally prefer my cakes dense, as opposed to light and airy…and I would eat your cake all day long…it looks absolutely scrumptious! 🙂

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