Stew in white wine (Spezzatino al vino bianco) | English version

Stew in white wine is a classic of Italian cuisine, particularly appreciated for its simplicity and enveloping taste.
The meat, cut into small pieces, is slowly cooked together with vegetables and aromatic herbs, enriched by white wine that gives an elegant and refined note to the dish.
Perfect to accompany with a side dish of potatoes or polenta, stew in white wine brings to the table the genuine flavors of tradition.

### Ingredients
– One kilogram of beef for stew
– Two medium carrots
– One stalk of celery
– One large onion
– Two cloves of garlic
– 200 milliliters of dry white wine
– 500 milliliters of beef broth
– Two bay leaves
– One sprig of rosemary
– Three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
– Salt and black pepper


#recipe #food #cooking

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