Smoked three steaks with cherrywood
Sous vide one

The smoked was the crowd favourite!

by Chemistry-Decent


  1. tryanythingonceagain

    when I revers sear, I always smoke it before the sear

  2. iothomas

    CN you spare details on the smoked ones cooking processes?

  3. tedclev

    I always smoke my steaks. It’s a win. Also, those look great!

    Edit. I cold smoke them, then sous vide, then sear.

  4. Salt_Fix_8952

    What’s the difference in terms of taste for grilled ones?

  5. patsfan946

    Once, tasted like sausage to me. Too much smoky flavor overpowered the beef flavor. Hated it.


    I Cool smoked a steak for 15 minutes or so before searing over high flame.

    Turned out a lil too smoky for my tastes.

    Grilling over coals gives me just the right amount of smoke flavor

  7. Uncle_Burney

    Try mesquite, the spicy smoke is an excellent compliment to the richness of beef.

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