It’s pumpkin spice season! This is my first time making it. The taste is pumpkin and cinnamon forward with a sour taste from the fermentation. Obviously it’s totally different from a brioche… but that’s what I was thinking/hoping it would taste like but nope… you can taste everything, which I don’t mind. Would make it again. Also, I forgot to score so there’s a bulge 1 ‘o clock.

I followed the recipe almost exactly. Only difference is I only put in 1 tsp of ground turmeric.

by LastBenchwarmer


  1. RuthTheWidow

    I love it!!! The assymetry reminds me of a butterfly!

  2. MitsuneYuna

    Someone showed me a picture of something like this a few days ago and I was thinking about trying it soon, thanks for sharing the recipe! Besides the score is there anything you’d do differently?

  3. Numerous-Job-751

    Curious, when you make a loaf like this where would one score it to promote even sections? I’ve seen a few in this style with small surface level designs but not sure I’ve ever noticed a large score. Might attempt one this fall. So would love any advice! Looks nice either way and sounds tasty.

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