Our *favorite* creamy tomato soup is made easily in just 30 minutes in one pot! ❤️🥫 It’s a copycat recipe for Panera’s tomato soup, but tastes even better because we use San Marzano tomatoes! Worth the extra dollar or two, these canned Italian plum tomatoes have the best flavor!

Recipe Reviews!!!👇🏻

✨This is my go-to recipe for tomato soup! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!!

✨This was amazing and so easy! We liked it even better than Panera! Thanks for sharing

✨This is a fantastic recipe!! I followed it to a T and it turned out exactly like Panera.. literally cannot tell the difference. This one is a winner for sure! I will be using this recipe for many dinners with family and friends. Thank you!

✨So yummy! As someone who is super picky, this soup is amazing and very similar to Panera’s. Fresh croutons on top make this!

✨I made this today and it fabulous!!! I doubled the amounts and gave my sister half. My son, who never liked tomato soup, loves it!

✨I have made this several times over! We love this soup! Thank you! 

✨I forgot what Panera’s soup tastes like, and no longer care. I love this soup and will probably get burned out on it. Now I no longer have to go to Panera for this soup. 

✨Made this soup for my mom who la la loves tomato soup, and lets just say she had 2 bowls, thank you for the recipe!!

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