I seen someone post the poor man’s ribeye so I wanted to give it a try. Very good steak for $7.

by letsdodabs


  1. CommunicationDue3025

    Good looking steak!
    Give that poor doggo a piece

  2. TopDogBBQ

    If you can find some Denver steak (the other main part of the chuck roast/steak) definitely give that a try. Some of the best steak you will ever have, and that’s coming from a guy who thought ribeye was king!

  3. Hannah_Dn6

    Are those hunting dogs? Cuz your steak looks like a duck.

  4. ScooterMcTavish

    Chuck is underrated – my Mrs and I ate “blade” steak through our entire early marriage as it was all we could afford.

    Only challenge is it can be steak Roulette. One time it’s a poor man’s ribeye. Next time it’s steak-flavoured meat gum.

  5. Old-Half-4674

    It’s a kissing cousin to the rib eye, it’s a great steak

  6. Did the pupper have a piece? Is all i care about.

  7. AshamedRazzmatazz805

    I hope you’re planning on sharing some w your buddy there

  8. VaIenquiss

    Thought those were cucumbers for a hot second 😂

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