Bought this cake from Jewel Osco. Label says it’s still good through the 20th. Is this green stuff on the bottom layer mold?

by Jeff_Puppies


  1. PhunkeyPharaoh

    Nothing about that cake says “green filling” to me. I personally wouldn’t eat that. Really sucks though.

  2. Unless you were expecting a green center then that is mold.

    Actually, even if you were expecting a green center that is still mold.

  3. Oh, yeah – this goes back and you have all our permission to go full Karen. Imagine serving that at a party? To people’s kids!?

  4. InternetLumberjack

    I don’t even understand how a cake molds from the inside center outwards. What had to transpire to get it like this 🤣

  5. Hot_Pin_9361

    But how would mold grow in the center of the cake like that?

  6. Intrepid-Deer-2636

    YES. This would be enough to finish that business and then some. Gross 🤢

  7. Agent_Scully9114

    Wow that is **nasty**. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with this. I hope it didn’t ruin a special day!

  8. Yes unless you’re expecting an alien…

  9. dirtyenvelopes

    I wouldn’t be surprised if this sat a lot longer than it says or it was re-iced.

  10. goddessofrage

    I want to know their response when you return it lol

  11. UnhealingMedic

    I was a baker for years and I would’ve just had the biggest heart attack and literally perished if any of my clients had a cake that looked like this. This is SO. BAD.

  12. Proper-Scallion-252

    That, my friend, is a new fear I didn’t know I had until now.

    Thanks for unlocking that.

  13. LivingInTomorrow29

    Wow, that’s SO much mold!

  14. trolltygitomteskogen

    Yes!!! Go back and get compensation

  15. Tuxedo_Cat10

    I would not personally eat that cake.. I work for a different banner than jewel osco, and usually, all the cakes come in frozen. To me, it seems like the decorator let the cakes out to thaw too long, or they were out overnight before decorating. I’d try to get a refund.

  16. chocolatechipgoat

    I’ve had the exact same experience with a cake from Jewel 😭 Idk what the heck they’re doing over there

  17. VesperJDR

    I’ll make sure our new baker, Hans Moldman, washes his hands next time.

  18. StupendusDeliris

    Do not eat that. And get a refund 🤢

  19. HanBanan37

    Omg plz return and give us an update!

  20. jenniferlynn5454

    That’s a shit ton of mold! I wonder if the bakery was relabeling to avoid waste, and if so, how old that cake really is

  21. MsRachelGroupie

    I worked at a bakery for years, that is a baffling amount of mold. I shudder to think of how old the layers are for that much to grow. That does not happen overnight. We would use a dollop of buttercream to kind of like adhere the cake to the cake board so it didn’t slip off the board. I wonder if they used some frosting that was going bad or had a high moisture content to develop into this monstrosity. That’s maybe why it appears to be coming from the middle bottom of the cake outwards.

  22. Izzzillia

    Me: No, that’s just white frosting you’ve pushed under the bottom with the knife OH DEAR GOD THAT’S DISGUSTING

  23. TheFishFlysAtNight

    Ah Jewel, always trying to one up yourself on how bad you can be. I hope they make it right for you.

  24. BookishCutie

    The post needs to go viral . This is VILE

  25. CatfromLongIsland

    I could have lived my life quite happily never having seen a moldy layer cake. Yowza! I once came home with a bag of grapes that had a spider and web in the center of the bunch. I was not able to eat grapes for years. YEARS! To this day I inspect the grapes for a full minute before purchasing. This cake could potentially put me off cake for the rest of my life.

    And considering my weight, that might be a very good thing! 😂

  26. KaozawaLurel

    Omg, that’s is SO moldy. Man, that sucks! Def tell the vendor

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