An exceptional meal that was both fun and delicious. Dining room half tourists, half Japanese. Where most Japanese fine dining in Japan can be rigid (think omakase, kaiseki, tempura only) this restaurants takes you through different Japanese staples. At the end you pick one, two or all three of their signature dishes and the quantity. Great way to end the meal. Easy to book and I would absolutely return. Fantastic experience.

  1. Snow crab, Lima bean and tomato. Refreshing but probably weakest dish.
  2. Fried sweet fish with Hokkaido corn.
  3. Clam dashi with seasonal veggies.
  4. Giant clam and squid sashimi. The squid was phenomenal, has the texture of uni almost.
  5. Soy marinated bonito with a sweet onion and mountain yam relish.
  6. Tuna belly with daikon maki roll. This was simply but decadent and other worldly.
  7. Same.
  8. Prep for shabu shabu of A5 Miyazaki.
  9. Shabu shabu
  10. Grilled freshwater eel
  11. Unagi with daikon and vinegar sauce. The eel retained its crunchiness. It was brilliant.
  12. Tempura of veggies and halibut.
  13. Soba with baby shrimp, green onions and grated daikon. This was so clean and delicious.
  14. Curry rice. Comforting but complex, so many flavor notes. Incredible curry.
  15. Mango over pudin.

Others on this sub are what turned me on to this place and I am so glad they did. Great memory and fantastic food.

by fondonorte

1 Comment

  1. ketchupchip89

    Thanks for the review and pics! I also was motivated by the reviews on the sub to make a reservation here and I did for my upcoming trip in November. But I don’t think the reservations were that easy to make, I logged onto the minute ready when the reservations were released and was sweating it out constantly refreshing until it finally happened. Anyways, can’t wait for the meal!

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