Just a basic toffee muffin recipe, homemade caramel sauce as a filling and topped with a cream cheese biscoff frosting!

by m4riehid


  1. lassielowrider

    Toffee muffin?? I have never heard of this thing before and I feel that is a TRAVESTY

    Would you happen to have… a recipe, perchance? An ingredient list, maybe? Instructions, perhaps?

    I have a might need (and a boyfriend to feed)

  2. WhisperingLush

    Whi wouldn’t get over this yummy stuff? you’re friends are lucky they were able to taste this deliciousness!

  3. tame_cobra

    Oh, sweet lord. What kind of sorcery is this?

    I can’t believe I’ve lived over 50 years, and have never heard of this magical cupcake.

    I need them in my life, and I need them now.

    You bet…I snagged that recipe.

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