Is this brat undercooked? I believe they just grilled them no pre boil.

by King_Toot


  1. phishtrader

    That looks undercooked. You don’t need to boil/simmer brats, but it does simplify cooking if you just overcook everything and then grill them. Personally I prefer indirect until the brats are around 150F internal and then direct to brown them. You do need a thermometer to do this accurately though.

  2. UserKFBR392-

    Nothing says, “we can’t afford to give you a raise, but we can get you a <insert food here> party,” without some food poisoning on the side

  3. How do you mess up a sausage? They are pretty forgiving. The only thing you have to do is fully cook it.

  4. sillyshoestring

    Hope the potatoes in the salad weren’t undercooked too.

  5. the-slit-kicker

    Holy shit… y’all gonna loose half your workforce tomorrow

  6. urbsnspices

    You’re gonna be spraying out your ass later

  7. LazyMans

    It’s probably fine. You don’t need to cook this crap out of everything. Even ground meat products.

    Killing pathogens (if they are even present) is a function of time and temp. Chicken is the highest risk, then pork, then beef. (Fish depends if it was frozen first or not)

    Pathogens start to die at 130f, but it takes 2hr. Pork is still very pink at that temp. 15 minutes around 145f is gonna kill everything and still be slightly pink. 160f insta-kill.

    Another fun fact. Mayo is fine stored at room temp and is not what causes food poisoning at cook outs like many people think. Some brands even have an FAQ explaining this. Mayo is too acidic to harbor harmful levels of bacteria, on its own.

  8. CorneliusNepos

    It’s undercooked. This isn’t advice at all hahaha, but I’ve eaten brats cooked like that before and had no problem. I wouldn’t worry too much but if you get sick in a few days, this could be why (it takes time for food poisoning to occur in most cases).

  9. InternationalPlace24

    I mean, I would complain about it, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t cooked brats before and half way through eating one realized it was still pink inside.

  10. cReddddddd

    I never attend company functions for this exact reason.

  11. ReplacementLevel2574

    The Lowe’s next to my business does a bbq a few times a year.. corporate won’t allow any mayonnaise..

  12. Nutmegger27

    Why do people undercook meats?

    Digital thermometers are the way to go! (About $25 bucks.)

  13. looks like u and ur coworkers are playing battle shits together

  14. A talented veterinarian can still save that…..

  15. CockbagSpink

    Holy shit are we supposed to be boiling brats before grilling? That’s good info. Mine come out like this sometimes too.

  16. Traditional_Dog_637

    Are you sure that you didnt order your sausage “rare”

  17. timbitttts

    My job is doing a BBQ for the workers tomorrow too… One problem. We work for a parcel delivery company. No one will be around to eat it lmao

  18. Itchy-Gap-3819

    Did they grill it or just leave it on a warm place?

  19. Aren’t brats already partially cooked when packaged?

  20. jderflinger

    Looks about right for driver appreciation week.

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