I am an extremely sophisticated chap – you can ask anyone. But even I like to throw off my smoking jacket, put down my Martini and enjoy a little peasant food. And when I do, I love a bit of Panackelty. It’s like corned beef hash but better because you can dip your bread in it. I’ll do anything really to try and fill my tummy while a handful of families hoover up the world’s resources.

Panackelty recipe (makes 2 large portions):

600g peeled potatoes (cooked fully)
2 medium onions
1 medium carrot
1 large clove of garlic
500ml stock. You may not need this much but it’s handy to have on standby
1 standard tin (340g) of corned beef
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
A good squeeze of brown sauce
Half a tin of baked beans sauce and all
Salt and white pepper to taste
Serve with bread or my paratha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw58uOTlkk4


#theteessidechef #panackelty #cornedbeefhash #stew #peasantfood


  1. Can’t beat panackelty mate!
    My mam made this for us when we were little but she sliced everything and layered it like sliced carrot and onion, potato, corned beef and repeat the layers then poured gravy or stock in and baked it in an oven roasting tin with lid. Worth a try if you haven’t done it that way.

    Love watching the videos glad your back

  2. I have to thank you so very much because you so beautifully cheer me up watching your videos every single time I end up laughing and that’s not usual for me these days. 😢 but you make my days better x

  3. Aah the memories of defaced text books at school, such as one of my science books where an illustration of the female reproductive system included a hand-drawn arrow pointing to the uterus and the words "docking bay" scrawled at the end of it. Good old North-East comprehensive schools!

  4. I make corned beef tater hash, which is similar, but no stock, no pre-boiling the potatoes, no beans, lots more sliced carrots – lovely with pickled beetroot and sometimes a suet dumpling crust. Always better the next day.

  5. I remember going to a mates house as a teen, and seeing their mum make a big batch of corned beef hash on bonfire night. I remember the house smelling amazing and seeing them sit down and enjoy it with pickled beetroot. Their mum offered me a bowl but I wasnt allowed to eat beef at the time (raised by hindu parents). This recipe has taken me right back, as a fully grown (not hindu) man, I'm going to have to give this a go and finally get my closure of knowing what it tastes like 20 years later…

  6. Looks great, can you imagine serving that up to some upper class pricks ,they'd be ringing plod up accusing you of trying to poisoning them.

  7. Just found your channel and as an expat Geordie living in Canada I'm looking forward to a few more northern dishes.

  8. Corned beef, still one of the least cr@p filled tinned foods you can buy. Recipe greatly benefits from accompanying informed social commentary.

  9. The best British food looks like cat sick and tastes like cosy childhood memories of dinner at your gran's.

  10. Panackelty, Panackelty

    I want's a Panackelty

    You can keep yer posh nosh

    It don't agree with me

    I don't want lobster thermador

    Or your raspberry coulis

    I'm a working man from Lancashire

    And I want's a Panackelty!

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