With some shaping before cold fermenting.

by kcelffac


  1. This is perfect to me. I don’t like large gaping holes that my butter or sandwich toppings fall through.

  2. No_Zone_6506

    Looks amazing. Only bad thing is that ITS NOT ON MY chopping board! lol

  3. TheSwecurse

    This is how all my loaves end up, my baker friends says we lack a proper “oven spring”. I still don’t know how that’s important when it’s so perfectly sandwich shaped but to each their own

  4. icemagnus

    That is the loaf I need now. 10/10, gimme pls.

  5. ranchdressingdresser

    10/10 would eat all of it and not share

    Also can you walk me through how you did those leaf patterns? For some reason I can’t seem to get them right

  6. StagnationMeansDeath

    I wasn’t impressed with the color of the crust on the first photo, but the artistry on the second photos are great. The inside looks perfect. Spongy, airy but not too hole-y.

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