The pizza chef who made this pizza won best pizza in the world at the World Pizza Awards in Rome

by felakutiscock


  1. bronwynnin

    What’re your thoughts on it after eating? Doesn’t look the prettiest but I can imagine it tastes pretty good.

  2. flowerboyinfinity

    Looks amazing. Where from? You gotta post where you got the pizza from on posts like this.

  3. BarryJGleed


    Looks like Velveeta…..and not in a good way.

  4. neverknowwhatsnext

    Looks good. I didn’t expect it to be best in the world. I’d like to try a slice.

  5. Final-Top-7217

    You mean some guy told you he won best pizza at the World Pizza Awards in Rome. As far as I can see best pizza was won by Una Pizza Napolitana from New York.

  6. survivalistcapital

    Best pizza in the world?!? How is that decided? There are pizza shops and bars around the world putting out insane product which never get the accolades.

  7. I make the best pizza in the world. Certified by the I Made Up A World Wide Pizza Award run by me.

  8. kidsaredead

    Honesty, I’ve seen home made pizzas looking much much better than this.

  9. Pete Pantaleone “I have to disagree with you” Iam very proud of my meatballs

  10. Routine-Mode-2812

    I think we can all agree that someone winning “best pizza in the world” is the biggest load of wank ever,
    Literally has no meaning. 

    Looks like shit but glad it tasted good enough for you to eat the crust lmfao

  11. petewondrstone

    It looks mid to me. I can tell you right now that I ate pizza at 10 different places in Rome, and a few of them were the best pizza I ever had and it looked a lot better than this. There’s also a lot of different types of pizza there.

  12. skepticalbob

    I’m guessing this is Tony Gemignani‘a [Tony’s Pizzaria Neapolitano in San Fransisco]( Tony was the first non-Italian to win the Neapolitqn contest jn Italy. He beat out over 2000 entrants. Tony’s makes different styles of pizza that most on aren’t Neapolitan style. I’m betting they were out of Neapolitan and he threw a basil leaf on his New Yorker. This pizza was made with an oven designed for maximum volume and isn’t some handcrafted wonder. The bread and ingredient quality are probably pretty good though.

    Am I right?

    Edit: Tony also wrote The Pizza Bible, which is a solid book with many different styles of pizzas and good for someone looking for consistent quality cold-fermented pizza as a beginner.

  13. F2theubu

    Should be blonde crust with burnt bubbles from wood fired oven. Cheese looks like cheap stuff, defo not fresh Mozza. Kinda looks overcooked in my opinion

  14. uCry__iLoL

    Yikes…judges must be partial to just cheese.

  15. trognlie

    Looks like the mama cozzi’s pizza I have in my freezer

  16. clangan524

    Do the World Pizza Awards need judges? Asking for me.

  17. Crushingit1980

    Just because they won that award doesn’t mean this was the actual pie that won (unless it actually was).

    I’d still crush 100%.

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