I won the blue! BY DEFAULT! No one else entered the double crust category. I know I should be excited but I am just so disappointed . I worked REALLY hard and spent a ton of time on it and it doesnā€™t feel like I earned it if that makes any sense. They didnā€™t even eat a piece, and when I asked about it she claimed they lifted it up and took a chunk out from the bottom.

I feel like I could have thrown dog poop in a crust and would get the blue ribbon. Some tacky cake covered in fondant won the overall food category. (No offense to fondantā€¦sorta)

So now my beautiful creation sits in an exhibit hall until Sunday evening and then into the trash she goes. What a waste.

Please talk me off the ledge šŸ˜­.

by aLonerDottieArebel


  1. sapnever1

    Iā€™m sorry this beautiful pie wasnā€™t fully enjoyed or appreciated by the judge/s. The decorative crust braids and flowers are freaking gorgeous!

    What is the filling?

  2. East_Bus4635

    I’m definitely going to copy those braids.

  3. GenericUsername19892

    For those of us that are dumb, whatā€™s double crust mean?

  4. Pitiful-Delay4402

    It definitely feels hollow when you place just because there isn’t any competition. Our family joined taekwondo and we did 2 tournaments. We have so many trophies and medals it’s ridiculous. And my daughter got 2 blue ribbons by default in the horse show.

  5. FairBaker315

    In every fair I’ve ever entered, there’s been a rule that states that the only entry in a class doesn’t automatically get the blue ribbon. If the judge doesn’t feel it’s blue ribbon worthy, it can get a lower ribbon or no ribbon at all. I’ve seen it happen and had it happen to me.

    Your pie is absolutely worthy of a blue ribbon. You earned it.

    And remember, unless you’re directly asked, you don’t need to say how many were in the class, lol!

  6. HappyMeteor005

    the other day I spend a long time making a banana smores cheesecake for my friends at my old job. I don’t think any of them ate any. nobody evert texted me about it either. it was a bummer for sure. but we gotta get back at it right? I just know from the picture that your pie was bomb as hell. I would have been super excited to get a slice of that for my first strawb/rhubarb pie,!

  7. usernamewemeetagain

    Your pie is gorgeous! It’s so clear how hard you worked on it – I’m sorry the way you won was disappointing, but you clearly deserved a ribbon!

  8. xLAXaholic

    It wasn’t that no one else entered, they all turned tail and sulked back to their home after seeing yours knowing they had no chance

  9. Them not taking a slice is kinda rude even if their logic was ā€dont want to ruin the designā€, iā€™d do anything for a slize! Iā€™m just recovering from stomach flu and this has me foaming at the mouth

  10. I-hear-the-coast

    Oh my gosh! I am so sorry no one even gets to eat the pie!! At least all these people on Reddit and people in person get to see the pie and appreciate its beauty! It sucks no one else entered, but maybe your entry means they will keep this category open next year and maybe your pie means more people might want to enter next year! Your pie meant that category still existed and was recorded this year!

  11. Gryffin_Ryder

    Your pie looks delicious, your crust is a testament to your skill and hard work, and you would still deserve the blue ribbon even if there had been a dozen other entries in your category.

    Be proud and pat yourself on the back!

  12. xfatalerror

    all offence to fondant. i hope it gets offended

  13. Character-Food-6574

    Hooray!! So glad, but unsurprised this wonderful pie got a blue ribbon!!!!

  14. easylistener1

    I wouldve torn this pie up!!! Judges seriously missed out brah.

  15. As someone said, they don’t have to give you a blue if you’re the only one that entered. I was a fair kid and even then if it was just one kid that entered, they’d judge as if it was full. I once came in second in an event I was the only person in. So please feel like you did earn it! It looks lovely!!

  16. InevitableCup5909

    My dude, my man, my homey, the judgeā€™s loss is my gain, I will cheerfully eat that pie. Donā€™t think I havenā€™t noticed those little flowers and the braiding and the lattice work. That pie is gorgeous and looks sooo delicious and goddamn I donā€™t know what kind it is but now I want some. That pie is absolutely blue ribbon worthy and I have no doubt that your friends and family would dig into it with abandon.

  17. Omg. My favorite! If you were local Iā€™d buy it from you.

  18. Different_Worker_831

    I feel this. I made cookies for my fair this year and there was the tiniest little bite taken out of 1/5 cookies. I placed third but Iā€™m really questioning who judged them, and Iā€™m not sure how many other entries there were because the table was a mess.

  19. Familiar_History_429

    This pie is gorgeous I would looooove a piece of it!!!!!!! Strawberry rhubarb is one of my all time favorites!!!

  20. EyeOfMinds

    I wanna know what sorcery they claim to have performed to have lifted the whole pie up to get a chunk out of the bottom without causing any crack to the top. What a load of BS.

    It’s a lovely pie and I’m rooting for you for your future entries!

  21. derKakaktus

    Can I have a bite please ? It looks delicious šŸ˜

  22. WiseSalamander00

    r/fondanthate I do hate on fondant personally

  23. Comfortable_Key2244

    Thanks for the update and congratulations!! You definitely earned it. Thatā€™s a phenomenal looking pie.

  24. Katiedidit37

    Hugs OP! I was so impressed with your pie! Itā€™s a beautiful masterpiece.
    You earned that blue ribbon!

  25. Alternative-Court688

    Question: I get pies being on display but is there a way to keep it refrigerated so it doesn’t go bad? Is there a way to save it?

  26. Katdaady

    You know what, man? I get that dissatisfaction, but look at it this way. Out of all these pie baking badass motherfuckers you were the only one with the balls to take on this category. Personally I think you deserve it!

  27. aroseonthefritz

    Wait they didnā€™t eat a piece of the pie?

  28. Katie-sin

    My fair had 0 cross stitch this yearā€¦ I planned on entering a photo piece I did of my boyfriends grandparents wedding photo from the 40ā€™sā€¦ took me a year to completeā€¦ and just didnā€™t have the time to get to his grams to ask her if I could borrow it (his grandfather passed away hence why I made it for the family)ā€¦ and after I saw NO ONE SUBMITTED A SINGLE CROSS STITCHā€¦ I was glad I didnā€™t take the time to ask for it back, get to the grange and then wait to pick it back up. I know myself itā€™s amazing. It brought the tears we all needed and brings the joy every single day . I am sure your pie is the same! Be proud of that ribbon!

  29. Specialist_End_750

    It’s a win you shared with all of us!

  30. NumerousAct8060

    I seriously want to eat that!!! It’s in the middle of the night for me, and I’m thinking how do I get pie right now? Do you Door Dash? Because I decided I specifically want that pie lol!

  31. Sharchir

    Itā€™s plain to see why it won, it is beautiful!

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