It’s a 9×9 coffee cake with sweet cinnamon & cardamom, a classic icing drizzle and the most premium ingredients used.

by LilConscious


  1. LilConscious

    Forgot to mention: I live in a country where bakeries don’t really make these or rarely only sell by slice and overpriced.

  2. kitchenhussy

    It looks lovely, but I would not pay more than $15 for a coffee cake.

  3. Birdie121

    9 generous pieces at $3 per serving, looking at maybe $25-30 for the whole cake.

  4. bea_8090

    Add all costs including packaging then add labor cost. You can also check competitors how much they charge.

  5. TheRemedyKitchen

    If it tastes as good as it looks then you should be charging top dollar for your area

  6. Extreme-Solid2252

    Supplies plus time to create multiply your hourly rate equals cost of item

  7. LilConscious

    Family that placed this order decided to pay me $40 + $5 tip because they’re big coffee cake fans and I’m the only one in the area who makes them. My cost was $15.33. I’m confused why my currency comment got downvoted but I guess some people are having a day.

  8. stumpykitties

    I’m sorry I don’t know anything about pricing baked goods…

    I just wanted to say, that looks like a perfect coffee cake!! I don’t think I’d be able to share that with anyone lol

  9. Artemis_Rules

    take the cost of the cake and add minimum wage for people in the industry and see if you can pay the bills with that. if not, add more to the cost.

  10. SpecialReserveSmegma

    Cost of ingredients + whatever time it took multiplied by what you think you’re hourly rate is worth/fair.

  11. IMO, it was still cheap, $40 +5 tip. The cake is due to quality ingredients. available bakeries would have cost 50 to 60 dollars. Labor is more expensive where you can’t find the labor to find this. Do not undervalue how to make something just because you have an availability how to make it.

    Edit: The problem is that you already sold it cheap, so it will be hard to go high. You will need to keep the price low.

  12. LilGreenOlive

    I also struggle with pricing baked goods! I just sold some rolls that I probably could have priced higher due to the time and labor involved. I’ve told my parents about my sales and they seemed shocked that people will pay $25 for a pie when they can just buy a Marie Callender’s for $8 from the frozen section. My prices are in line with other bakers/bakeries in my area.

    I feel like $40 is a fair price for the quality of ingredients used, and your customers thought you deserved even more!

  13. soffeshorts

    40-45 seems great! This is a beautiful cake but also not a particularly complex one to make. And I put it more in the simple breakfast treat category than cake category (i know that’s not a formal category – maybe like banana bread, etc) so I feel like there’s an upper limit on price tolerance. That said, this is a very elevated coffee cake!

  14. DeadpooI

    How much was the box? Or the more important question, how long did this take to make?

  15. rossmcdapc

    Not quite able to answer the pricing question too accurately. However, this looks fucking incredible. Genuine one of the nicest most impressive things I’ve seen on this sub in a while.

  16. You need to calculate your cost price of all the ingredients used by weight of this cake. Plus hours you spent on it and give yourself a fair hourly wage, then calculate the price of facilities such as electric/gas/water. For me usually this works out at about 20% of the cost of the ingredients+wage. So for that cake for me here in Ireland would be about 40.97€. That’s with a 12.50 wage hourly for 2 hours work roughly.
    It’s expensive for the customer, but when you buy from small businesses that’s what happens, they need to make fair money back.
    Best of luck.

  17. parthpalta

    Take the cost of ingredients, cost of packaging, cost of baking (electricity). Let’s call this sum as COGS (cost of goods sold)

    Calculate how much active time you spent on it. I’m assuming 30-40 minutes. Let’s round it off to an hour.

    COGS x 3.2 is the bare minimum.

    That’s you breaking even, and making a small profit maybe after paying for ingredients (you don’t buy and sell in bulk yet, so bulk prices don’t apply)

    Then, how much do YOU want to be PAID for an hour or your work?

    You could charge minimum wage or you could just charge whatever you feel comfortable with.

    Know that your product looks great, and that took practice, effort, and experience. Don’t undercut yourself because you want to sell a lot.

    Those who want it, will pay for it.

  18. Aschentei

    Why don’t you ship that over to me and I’ll calculate it for you?

  19. Queen_ofawe124

    The crumbles on the top of the cake looks amazing! Not a plain jane cake.. should be nicely priced.

  20. TheTitansWereRight

    0 dollars so you can give it to me for free!

  21. ObjectiveAnalysis645

    Idk mail it to me first to taste test and then I’ll let you know

  22. Silvercoat_Ethel23

    Depends how much were the ingredients then add the labour effort for example: if the stuff was 40 make it 50 if it was 20 make it 30 etc

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