1. I'm always impressed at your ability to create elevated food without eliciting an eyeroll for fussiness. I've really enjoyed all the recipes of yours that I've tried and have been inspired by many others. That's saying a lot for a person who's allergic to more than half of the food pyramid! Thanks for continuing to provide motivation for me to put what I can eat together in creative ways.

  2. I hope you know how insanely talented you are!! Everything you post is amazing, I've only tried a few but cant wait to make more, thank you ❤

  3. Love your creativity in all your recipes! You can even dress up salt and make it edible by itself! 😆 Awesome! 🎉❤💖

  4. Do you use unsalted tops saltines or regular? Love the "dressing them up a bit" idea. I will have to try that. Wonder how an unsalted everything seasoning would be? Agree with you on the fresh celery too! Thank you for the video!😊❤

  5. Im pescatarian and this literally changes my entire world you have no idea how sad I get when I remember I can’t have buffalo chicken dip

  6. Oh man, this looks incredible!! What a great idea! Unfortunately I'm sticking to a low-fat diet, so I'd have to figure out some alternatives to the mayo, but… There's potential…!!

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