Didn’t feel confident making the coelacanth myself, but the rest is handmade!

by Beautifly


  1. RideThatBridge

    I’m way older than 6, perhaps by half a century but will deny that last bit, and have never heard that word before 😂. WTG-you’re a great parent in many ways! This is awesome.

  2. tough_ledi

    This is so good! You did amazing! Also your kid is really cool. 

  3. thoughtfractals85

    This is so cool! Happy birthday to your son and good job you!

  4. ActImpressive8814

    You’re extremely talented…that looks awesome and delicious. Happy Birthday to your son.

  5. Key-External175

    That’s so specific, not just an ocean or fish themed cake but a coelacanth cake, turned out very cool

  6. Prudent_Valuable603

    Beautiful cake! Happy birthday to your son!!

  7. SeductiveSiren2

    This looks so beautiful! the details and the colors are so good.. Happy Birthday to your son he’s such a lucky kid.. <3

  8. DarkMoose09

    Ocean cake and your son knows what a coelacanth is. You are doing great mamma! Beautiful cake and a wonderful little young man you got there! I hope he has a wonderful birthday!

  9. That’s pretty awesome. It’s a shame cakes this beautiful are, alas, eaten!

  10. Comprehensive-Race-3

    That is without a doubt the best coelacanth cake I have ever seen!

  11. mnkybrainz

    this is insane!!! i’m 20 and i want a cake like this!

  12. Lili_E-cat

    wow I bet ur son was super proud and happy!

    The cake is amazingly detailed and wonderful to look at. All the textures and shapes… magical. You are so talented and awesome.

    Happy happy birthday to ur son!

  13. flower-power-123

    That is beyond belief. How did you do that? Did you go to art school?

  14. TrueCryptographer982

    That looks amazing! Kids get fixated by the weirdest things 😁

    When I was 8 I had a fixation about the cuscus (no clue where it came from) and did a school project on it. With a small section in the encyclopaedia,no access to internet and living in a town of 400 people miles from anywhere it proved challenging LOL

    You should be proud of your efforts!

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