I’ve always baked salmon in the past, but I figured it was high time I cook some up on the grill. Definitely wasn’t perfect, but I know what I need to work on for next time.

by TopDogBBQ


  1. Fantastic-Airline-92

    Fish doesn’t need to be cook as long or as hot as red meat and chicken. I would just be more aware of the internal temp and cook time. I rate 7.2/10 without seeing it cut open it’s hard to rate it any higher

  2. harntrocks

    The skills here are undeniable. You cook hot and fast, like me. I like it. The sides are rustic and primal. The pesto is a bit over emulsified, but I’ll allow it. The fish is over cooked but Fuckit dude. You don’t have to flip it. You did. It didn’t break apart. Respect. Next time: Skin down, covered. The albumin will coagulate and seep out right before it’s done. I hit it with a lemon butter sauce with garlic and parsley before serving. It’s up to you.

  3. jtrades69

    one of my favorites. this one i can do on coal or gas!

  4. Old_Dingo69

    Looks over cooked but still would have been tasty eaten immediately. Next time take it off the heat a few minutes earlier. It tends to continue cooking with residual heat anyway. Plus its ok under done. Well its the only meat I will eat rare anyway. Enjoy!

  5. BackyardMangoes

    Looks good couple suggestions
    No need to flip.
    A little less heat.
    Use wood chips that have been soaked in water a couple of days. Peach, cherry pecan or hickory. What ever flavors you like

  6. Apacolypse10

    I like to lay my salmon over a bed of sliced lemons and lime to help prevent the charring, unless of course you are into that sort of thing lol.

  7. Siucra_Ray

    I have used a cedar plank with salmon previously and the results are always fantastic

  8. Dapper_Ad_3347

    I always soak cedar wood planks you can find at lowes or home depot in the grilling area and lay the salmon on top of that.

  9. DirtyWhiteTrousers

    Don’t put sauce on crispy skin.

  10. Key_Wing132

    Aye man, that looked pretty good! Strongly recommend you go easy on the heat though… a salmon fillet like that only take 10-15 mins in a pan on medium to medium-high heat. If you want a good “glaze” on the fish I’m the grill I recommend reducing apple wine and orange juice in a sauce pan then add butter, garlic to your taste. Also, leave the fish exposed to the heat for a few minutes each side, then move it to an indirect heat. You could leave it in the grill just keep the coals to one side. Cheers!

  11. Mysterious_Gene_2405

    Need to take off some points for the long vertical grill marks. Everyone knows you gotta go landscape my dude.

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