After years of trial and error, I finally perfect my Canele recipe

by NetParking1057


  1. igeorge1

    I am so impressed. Those lil bitches are so difficult to make and take .3 seconds to eat. 👏👏👏

  2. NetParking1057

    # Special tools

    * 12x copper canele molds
    * pizza stone
    * thermometer
    * heat proof/grill gloves for holding the hot canele molds
    * wire rack
    * beeswax

    # Batter Ingredients

    * 500g whole milk
    * 1 vanilla bean pod (I’ll use 2 if the vanilla pod isn’t very plump)
    * 1 egg + 3 egg yolks
    * 30g of cold butter
    * 125g AP flour
    * 225g sugar
    * 25g brandy
    * 25g grand marnier

    # Beeswax Mixture Ingredients

    * 40g beeswax
    * 60g butter

    # Making the batter:

    1. Scrape seeds out of vanilla beans and add them and the pods to a sauce pan along with your milk. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent milk scalding on the bottom of the pan. Once boiled, kill heat and add your 30g of cold butter. With a thermometer, check the temperature of the milk. You want it to reach 185 degrees F.
    2. While that’s coming to a boil, in one bowl mix your flour and sugar, and in another large bowl beat your eggs and egg yolks.
    3. Once your vanilla-infused milk reaches 185 degrees F, temper the egg mixture with the milk before combining all of the milk with your egg mixture in the large bowl.
    4. Slowly pour in your flour/sugar mixture to the tempered egg/milk mixture. Add your alcohol and whisk until just barely combined.
    5. Set aside for at least 12 hours in a container in the fridge. You should have about 1 quart of batter.

  3. AlanB-FaI

    Never had one, but now I have a recipe. Thank you.

  4. anonwashingtonian

    Congrats; they are gorgeous! They are my absolute favorite pastry to make and biting into the crisp shell of a homemade canelé feels like the baking equivalent of reaching a mountain top.

  5. You must be so proud, theyre impossible to make without burning or over cooking, congrats!! they look amazingg 🙂

  6. petrichor381

    I am an avid baker and am saving this post even though I JUST had a 20 min conversation with my bf laying out all the reasons I will continue to wake up early on Saturday to wait in line at the French pastry shop instead of learning to make caneles.

  7. mcarrode

    I never want to try one because they’re infamously difficult to make, and I know I’ll be tempted to ruin all the ingredients you’ve listed for the recipe.

    You’ve outdone yourself, OP. They look amazing.

  8. Additional-Advisor99

    The satisfaction of perfecting a recipe after working that long on it is indescribable. Congrats, they look amazing.

  9. Sorry-Jump2203

    Omg I love these things!! Congratulations!

  10. AshDenver

    Those are gorgeous! I had some pandan caneles in Singapore last week and they were perfect.

  11. coolcootermcgee

    I’ve never heard of mixing beeswax and butter. Wow!

  12. backnarkle48

    It’s really all about those expensive copper molds, isn’t it ?

  13. mamac2213

    I will forgive you for not letting me try all those previous attempts if you save the last one for me! Those look like perfection!!!

  14. kristypie

    They are perfect! I just love the crisp, creamy bite of a homemade canelé. I had given up trying to get the tops of mine evenly brown, but I’m going to try again with your tips.

  15. Impressive. Great recipes often take decades of tinkering to get things just right.

    I fiddled around with my Italian meatball recipe for 10 years before I decided it was time to measure things out and write them down. After that, it took another year of adjusting the ingredients until I was 100% satisfied.

  16. Delicious_Ant9764

    I’ve never had one, what do they taste like?

  17. ConclusionDry2422

    Look amazing! Just curious, no cornstarch in your recipe?

  18. ConclusionDry2422

    Look amazing! Just curious, no cornstarch in your recipe?

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