I might’ve overfilled them a little 😭 at least they tasted good with some raspberries on them

by theoskrrt


  1. tragically-elbow

    I don’t think this is an overfill problem, you need a muffin tin! The paper cups can’t hold up the batter on their own.

  2. I’ve never seen anyone attempt muffins without a muffin tin lol

  3. Ecstaticismm

    Yeah you need a pan that’s made for muffins 😂 put the papers in the slots in the muffin pan, then fill the papers. Good luck next time!

  4. GirlisNo1

    Might wanna invest in a muffin pan if there’s to be a 2nd attempt or it won’t look much different lol.

  5. auntiepink007

    If you have a loaf pan and no muffin tin, you could have greased the loaf pan and poured the entire thing of muffin batter in and it would have turned out better than this. But I bet you learned loads of things this time and at least they were edible!

  6. Majestic-Cup-3505

    Maybe you should take up crochet? 🧶

  7. jimilee2

    Well, now I too know what happens when you bake muffins on a sheet pan.

  8. Q8DD33C7J8

    This is hilarious because I used to work as a baker at dunking donuts. They fired me and replaced me with someone who did this same thing. It baffles me how they could hire someone to be thier baker who thought this was how you bake muffins. I’ve been fired from alot of jobs but that one is the only one that was just confusing. That’s when I found out that no matter how good or bad at things you are NOTHING matters more than being able to get along with people. I may have been an expert baker but nothing trumps being able to make small talk. So I was out and dumb dumb muffin baker was in.

  9. thewildbeej

    Do you also choose a plate to eat your soup and cereal 😉

  10. peachpop123

    Those are called liners because they go inside (line) a tin!

  11. Nblearchangel

    Don’t feel bad. One time I forgot to add flour to a cookie recipe.

  12. GenericUsername19892

    So typically the wrappers go under the muffins, not in them…

  13. feetyfeeterman

    listen! being a good baker only comes from making lots of mistakes! it’s how we learn and figure things out and become better. The same is true for pretty much anything. I’d hate to be perfect, because i would learn so much less!

  14. Pristine_Scholar5057

    Why are you baking muffins on a cookie sheet?

  15. rhiannononon

    One time I filled a soft silicone mold with batter without thinking about it. Batter went everywhere. Now i never forget to fill it on a baking sheet lmao. I can’t wait to see your second attempt!

    I would crumble this up and put it on ice cream.

  16. Cumbersomesockthief

    Yeah, this is how my life is going right now.

  17. Haunting_Morning_

    Sometimes I forget that basic cooking knowledge is not a universal skill. Then I see something like this and am reminded.

    This isn’t that bad though. If they taste good, you did the most important part correctly and that’s the bulk of what matters.

    Idk if this helps but what helped me learn was watching cooking shows and seeing how they would mess up or do something really well then applying it to my own cooking. Master chef and the great British baking show are a great way to waste time.

  18. Aggravating-Fee-1615


    Not gonna stop me. 🤣 It’s a sheet cake now.

  19. No-Throat9567

    You need to put these in a muffin pan. Get the batter ready, have the cupcake liners in the pan, and fill them about 2/3 full. Then bake. Voila, muffins.

    Try, try again. Good luck

  20. cariadbach8981

    this is great for people who just want to eat a muffin top

  21. CocoTripleHorn420

    This wins the internet today. I needed this laugh. In all honesty- I love that you shared this publicly.

  22. Mr_Rompepompis

    Have you heard of…….. the muffin pan?? THE MUFFIN PAAAAANNN!?!?

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